Cloud Rush APP is coming soon!

Cloud-Rush Cyxtera
2 min readAug 19, 2021

Cloud Rush APP即将上线,震撼来袭!

Cloud Rush Inc. 作为拥有全球头部数字科技技术团队及行业影响力和知名度的金融团队,一直致力于打造全球的IPFS生态社区,为IPFS爱好者提供专业的Filecoin挖矿服务,共同构建良好的IPFS生态圈。

Cloud Rush Inc. is a global leading digital technology team, and a financial team with high industry influence and reputation, Cloud Rush Inc. has been committed to building a global IPFS ecological community to provide professional Filecoin mining services for IPFS enthusiasts to jointly build a good IPFS Ecosphere.

近日,Cloud Rush Inc. 已完成Cloud Rush APP相关开发工作,已进入测试阶段,Cloud Rush Inc. 将通过APP带给用户不一样的Filecoin挖矿体验。

Recently, Cloud Rush Inc. has completed the development of the Cloud Rush APP and has entered the testing phase. Cloud Rush Inc. will bring users a different Filecoin mining experience through APP.

Cloud Rush APP is coming soon!

Cloud Rush APP目前设有完善的Filecoin分布式存储算力挖矿方案,为IPFS爱好者及Filecoin矿工提供低门槛、高效率、更安全、有保障的IPFS&Filecoin挖矿服务,助力Filecoin生态建设与发展。

Cloud Rush APP currently has a complete Filecoin distributed storage computing power mining solution to provide IPFS users and Filecoin miners with low-threshold, high-efficiency, safer and guaranteed IPFS&Filecoin mining services to help Filecoin ecological construction and development.

Cloud Rush APP的核心开发人员拥有多年区块链行业经验和APP开发经验。并且根据官方挖矿经济模型,区分收益情况,多维度展现Filecoin收益数据: 质押金额,锁仓金额,安全保证金,可提现金额,累积收益,当日收益,提现中金额,已提现金额等数据均可视化呈现。

The core development team of Cloud Rush APP has many years of experiences in the blockchain industry and APP development. According to the official mining economic model, it distinguishes the income situation and displays Filecoin income data in multiple dimensions: pledge deposit amount, lock-up amount, security deposit, and withdrawal amount, accumulated income, the income of the day, amount in cash. Data such as the amount of cash withdrawn are visualized.

APP正式上线后,用户可通过Cloud Rush官网下载体验。

After the APP is officially launched, users are able to download and experience it through the official website of Cloud Rush.

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