Cloud Rush- spotted IPFS / Filecoin in long-term development
Cloud Rush — 看准IPFS/Filecoin长线发展
On August 28, 2020, Filecoin officially released its final economic model. The main network was officially launched on 15th October 2020. A large number of miners began to transfer to Filecoin to contribute storage space for obtaining Fil rewards.
According to the released mechanism model of Filecoin, it would not be a great period for miners in a short term, but it is good for ecological and economic models in the long run. This release mechanism has screened out a group of miners who want to quickly monopolize computing power speculation and bringing participants who are willing to maintain and develop steadily.
In response to this statement, IPFS/Filecoin officially stated that for most investors, short-term speculative operations will not bring wealth. If the Filecoin network and Filecoin miners want to obtain stable income, they must focus on long-term development and jointly build a strong decentralized network. Therefore, a reasonable release model is formulated, which is beneficial to storage providers in the long run.
一个项目要想建立完善的生态系统,需要其网络下的参与者共同进行,而参与者要想拥有长期的较稳定的投资回报,就要助力其生态更全面的发展下去。Cloud Rush不遗余力推动Filecoin生态的发展,为全球用户提供区块链算力、矿池孵化、矿机研发售卖托管一体等,并布局Filecoin挖矿,提供完善的一站式解决方案,助力Filecoin发展。
A complete ecosystem of a project requires the participation of participants in its network. To get a long-term stable investment return in a long-term, participants must first help the ecology to develop comprehensively. Cloud Rush spares no effort to promote the development of the Filecoin ecosystem, providing global users with blockchain computing power, mining pool incubation, mining machine development, sales and hosting integration, etc., and deploying Filecoin mining to provide a complete one-stop solution for its better development.